Registered Veterinary Technicians Option Job Skills Certificate
Bakersfield College offers a Job Skills Certificate in Registered Veterinary Technology.
This certificate is required by the California Veterinary Medical Board for students to be eligible to take the California Veterinary Medical Board’s Registered Veterinary Technician licensing exam.
Upon completion of the following courses with at least a “C” grade in each course, the student will be awarded a Registered Veterinary Technicians Job Skills Certificate. No General Education courses required for the RVT Certificate. All courses are taught on campus at night
by licensed, practicing veterinarians or practicing RVTs. This is known as an Alternate Route RVT program. Clinical (lab) hours are earned working in veterinary clinics. For more information, students are encouraged to visit the CVMB website at or Gay Gardella at [email protected]
Total Units: 17.5
Required Courses:
Course Number Title Units
ANSC B80 Introduction to Veterinary Technology 2.0
ANSC B82 Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals 2.0
Note: ANSC B80 and B82 must be taken before remaining RVT courses. These 2 classes are only offered in Fall semester.
ANSC B84 Small Animal Diseases 1.5
ANSC B85 Large Animal Diseases 1.5
ANSC B86 Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians 1.5
ANSC B88 Surgery, Dental and Anesthesiology for Veterinary Technicians 1.5
ANSC B90 Emergency Medicine, Surgery/Nursing Procedures for Veterinary Technicians 2.0
ANSC B92 Clinical Pathology for Veterinary Technicians 2.0
ANSC B94 Caged Birds, Laboratory, and Exotic Animal Medicine 2.0
ANSC B96 Radiology, Ultrasound, and Diagnostic Imaging for Veterinary Technology 1.5
Bakersfield College offers a Job Skills Certificate in Registered Veterinary Technology.
This certificate is required by the California Veterinary Medical Board for students to be eligible to take the California Veterinary Medical Board’s Registered Veterinary Technician licensing exam.
Upon completion of the following courses with at least a “C” grade in each course, the student will be awarded a Registered Veterinary Technicians Job Skills Certificate. No General Education courses required for the RVT Certificate. All courses are taught on campus at night
by licensed, practicing veterinarians or practicing RVTs. This is known as an Alternate Route RVT program. Clinical (lab) hours are earned working in veterinary clinics. For more information, students are encouraged to visit the CVMB website at or Gay Gardella at [email protected]
Total Units: 17.5
Required Courses:
Course Number Title Units
ANSC B80 Introduction to Veterinary Technology 2.0
ANSC B82 Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals 2.0
Note: ANSC B80 and B82 must be taken before remaining RVT courses. These 2 classes are only offered in Fall semester.
ANSC B84 Small Animal Diseases 1.5
ANSC B85 Large Animal Diseases 1.5
ANSC B86 Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians 1.5
ANSC B88 Surgery, Dental and Anesthesiology for Veterinary Technicians 1.5
ANSC B90 Emergency Medicine, Surgery/Nursing Procedures for Veterinary Technicians 2.0
ANSC B92 Clinical Pathology for Veterinary Technicians 2.0
ANSC B94 Caged Birds, Laboratory, and Exotic Animal Medicine 2.0
ANSC B96 Radiology, Ultrasound, and Diagnostic Imaging for Veterinary Technology 1.5